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Thanks to this project we've learnt lots of things, not only about the EU, but also about working as a team and putting into practice values as pluralism, respect for others' opinions and solidarity.

1.The EU has impacted on the progress of Spain since Spain joined, because before 1986 Spain was behind all the member states, not only economically, but also had bad roads, small airports, etc.

2.We believe it is very interesting that the European Union has intervened in the sports' world in many occasions, improving the working situation of sportspeople.

3.Before we started Euroscola's project we didn't know about the  existence of Eurocorps.

4.We were surprised by the fact that the EU has an anthem, since none of us knew about its existence.

5.Thanks to participating in Euroscolawe feel closer to the EU and we have been able to visit institutions such as the Europe Direct Centre and we even met the Mayor of our city and one of the heads of the CIVITAS project, a European project in Palma that we have studied because of Euroscola.

6.We realized that the EU isn't as far as we thought. Many things around us have been done thanks to the EU funds. A clear example is the Civitas project, in Palma.

7.In our opinion, the best thing about being part of Europe is the right of free movement, as it grants citizens to travel, to study and to work freely within the member countries.

8.Another advantage of being part of the European Union is that we have a stronger voice in international affairs.

9.The fact of having participated in the category English has helped us to improve our English.

10.We were able to work in a team, in a very organized way. 

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