Source: Euroscola |
Hi! First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are ten students from IES Madina Mayurqa, in Palma de Mallorca. Our teacher, Gabriela Torrens, told us about this competition and we are really excited about it. We are going to talk about the last 30 years, as it's now 30 years since Spain joined the EU. We have selected a piece of news related to Spain and the EU for every single year, and have prepared activities, surveys and interviews to learn more about the EU and about the changes Spain has undergone since it adhered to the former EEC.
Source: Palma Town Council |
Source: Palma Town Council |
One of the many EU projects that have helped in the construction of a better Europe is the CIVITAS DYN@MO project. Palma is one of the four European cities in the project, which aims at implementing more environment-friendly means of transport for all of us to use. We believe in the importance of this project, so we intend to share a lot of information about it with all of you.
Welcome to our blog! We hope you like it!
Comenzamos nuestro proyecto Euroscola2016 con muchas ganas y con ambición. Trataremos de hacerlo lo mejor posible y, al mismo tiempo, de enseñar lo que aprendemos a aquellos que nos rodean. Un saludo chicos!! Ánimos
ReplyDeleteDespués de mucho esfuerzo y trabajo esperamos que os vaya gustando la forma que le vamos dando al blog... Como bien dice el dicho, todo esfuerzo tiene su recompensa ;)
ReplyDeleteFuerza y a seguir trabajando!