Source: Reuters |
What is the Arms Trade Treaty?
It is a treaty signed by 130 countries that regulates the international trade in traditional weapons.
It is defined in its resolution 61/89 as a "comprehensive, legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms".
When was it signed?
It was finally signed on the 2nd of April 2013 in New York City after a ten day meeting.
What are its objectives?
Its main objectives are:
-To regulate the global trade of weapons in order to improve global and local peace.
-Promote transparency among states.
-To reduce human suffering.
-To recognise the security, social, economic and humanitarian consequences of the illicit and unregulated trade in conventional arms.
Which role did the EU play in all of this?
The EU supported this project from the very start through its changing presidencies (mainly Spain and Sweden). Moreover, during Spain's presidency this deal was one of the main priorities within the issues concerning the common security. In 2014 the EU Council authorised member states to ratify the Treaty.
5 Interesting facts:
-Five of the world's top 10 weapon producers are EU member states(Germany, UK, Spain, France and Italy).
-Spain is the 8th country that produces more weaponry in the world.
-Most of this weaponry is sold to countries like Syria, where (according to the United Nations) over 250000 people have died so far.
-1 Person dies every minute from armed violence. In that same minute, 15 arms are manufactured.
What have we achieved so far?
All of the EU members ratified the Treaty, meaning that its measures are going to be turned into action. Spain will adopt all of the measures indicated in the Treaty.
However, the EU is conscious that the actions taken so far are insufficient. This is why the EU is still working closely with the United Nations in order to achieve the international peace everybody is asking for.
For further information read last year's update:
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I would like to think that this is not utopic and that one day my grandchildren can look at the past and proudly claim that their grandparents helped to build a world without weapons.