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Source: "El Día de Valladolid"
From 1 January to 30 June 2010, Spain would hold the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union. 

Spain presented a joint programme with  Belgium and Hungary (the two following EU presidency holders: Belgium (July-December 2010) and Hungary (January-June 2011). The programme covered 18 months of the three countries working together for the EU. 

Resultado de imagen de europe spain news
Source: http://taudesign.com/

Their priorities were: 

-Equality between genders, and fighting against domestic violence.

-Promoting the European spirit among the EU citizens. 

-Implementing the Lisbon Treaty.

-Recovering from the economic crisis and creating jobs.

-Making the EU a better and safer place to live in.

-Fighting against the climate change.

-Having an important voice in foreign affairs.

-Getting a more competitive EU.

Source: http://taudesign.com/trabajo/presidencia-espanola-de-union-europea/

Source: http://www.correos.es

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