A heatwave devastated many EU's countries in 2003. Spain was one of them.
Source: NASA |
The summer of 2003 will always be remembered by the huge heatwave that affected not only ecosystems, but also population. Europe reached the highest temperatures ever recorded since 1981.
This heatwave also caused many forest fires.
Source: worldpreservationfoundation.org |
Only in Spain, there were 12.963 deaths attributed to this heatwave.
The UE tried to help those countries who had suffered this phenomenon. The UE made a solution proposal where it explains that they will give money to every country affected by it, and that they will recognise the hard work of the rescue groups and of the sanitary services. The EU also emphasized the importance of designing more efficient policies to prevent fires.
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Si bien es importante la actuación ante emergencias y toda la ayuda recibida, no fue más que un paliativo. La ola de calor fue debida seguramente a la negligencia de los individuos que deriva actualmente en el cambio climático. Por tanto deberíamos aprender a actuar más concienzudamente para poder mejorar.