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On 14 June 2005, the EU imposed quantitative restrictions on textile products from China. Those fees were imposed after the European Commission and the Chinese Trade Ministry reached an agreement on June 10 at the strong request of France, Italy and Spain to protect European textile manufacturers by limiting Chinese imports to Europe. 

Spain was the 3rd country of the European Union in textile industry, so it affected us directly. It was important for Spain that the EU set some boundaries.

Millions of Chinese textile products were blocked at European ports. 5.4 million sweaters, 1.3 million trousers, 16,800 blouses, 107,300 T-shirts and 901,500 bras were prevented from reaching the Spanish market that year.

Chinese textiles blocked for weeks at European ports can be released on Wednesday, when a quota deal struck between the EU and China goes into effect, AFP reported.
Source: AFP
In September 2005, the European Commission allowed half of the blocked goods into the EU under China's 2006 fees.

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- http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/fmar/168462.htm
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/home/2005-08/24/content_471862.htm
- http://www.theguardian.com/business/2005/sep/05/china.eu

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